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8 Week Wellbeing & Resilience Course

Spiralling Up with Helen Fiddler

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Helping you to spiral up to a place of wellbeing & balance, leaving behind a life of stress, anxiety and people pleasing with no time for yourself.

If you're feeling like you're constantly spinning plates and keeping other people happy (family, friends, the boss, the business, anyone and everyone) without any focus on YOUR needs then now is the time to change that.

Of course there is no magic wand to get rid of life's hurdles and challenges (I wish there was!) BUT there are practical tools, mindset strategies and a way of being that helps you to manage those hurdles with more grace, confidence and wisdom. When we use these tools you can show up for yourself whilst still being there for your loved ones.

Perhaps you feel like you have no time to focus on your habits and your wellbeing or perhaps you do have time but you're too exhausted to do the things you want to after coping with everything else you have to do. Perhaps you're at a chapter in your life when you feel ready to refocus, redirect your energy and get focussed on YOU and your needs - if this is you then you're in the right place!

I'm going to teach you the 4 cornerstones of positive and resilient life. My framework covers these 4 core pillars:​​

    1. Prioritising time for wellness & healthy habits.

      2. Letting go of habitual people pleasing.

      3. Implementing boundaries so you have more time for you AND showing up for your loved ones.

      ​4. Creating more joy & positivity through powerful yet simple mindset strategies.



Key topics you will cover with Helen in the 8 weeks

  • Building your unique wellbeing toolkit.

  • Ways to manage anxiety & supporting others with anxiety.

  • How to build your confidence.

  • Tools to stay consistent with your habits.

  • Interacting & communicating with others.

  • Boundaries: what they are, why we need them & how to use them.

  • Choosing helpful thoughts & managing unhelpful thoughts.

  • Letting go of people pleasing & perfection.

You CAN make yourself a priority, even though it might feel impossible​!
I know what it's like to be  feeling too busy, anxious, not getting your needs met and not getting the support you need. That was me 10 years ago! Full of horrible stress and anxiety as I juggled a busy job with my tendency to people please and generally just finding the demands of life too much to handle!

My 8 week Spiralling Up course will help you to SPIRAL UP to the balance in life you really want. You'll learn how to build and maintain healthy lifestyle habits that you actually ENJOY and learn to be kinder to yourself (because aren't we all too harsh on ourselves!) 

You will find a balance in your life between helping others and taking care of yourself and YOUR NEEDS. 

Spiralling Up will give you permission and the skills to take care of YOURSELF  - because when you are in a good place everyone around you benefits. And when you don't take care of yourself you suffer and ultimately your loved ones suffer too as you can't show up for them as the best version of you. Imagine how much easier and more enjoyable life will be when it doesn't feel so cripplingly overwhelming.

Spiralling Up: What's included?


  • Online interactive live sessions on zoom are on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm with me and the rest of the group.

  • We start on Wed 16th October and the final session is Wed 11th December (there will be a 1 week break in the middle.)

  • There is a programme handbook to work through as we progress through the programme together.

  • As well as working through the key topics of the programme there will also be time for you to ask questions and share with the group. (All sharing is completely optional.) 

  • There will be access to two additional (and optional) live interactive session with guest experts. 

  • You will have the option to be paired with an accountability buddy to support each other in creating positive lifestyle change.

  • There are also some amazing early bird bonuses if you sign up in August or September (Keep reading!)

  • Option to upgrade to a VIP Package to get access to one to one sessions with me, Helen within the programme (see below for details, limited availability.)


About Me, your coach:

Helen Fiddler


I'm Helen, your health & wellness coach, I am here to support you!

I am passionate about giving you PRACTICAL tools and actionable tips to build your resilience and create a self care toolkit that works for YOU. Sometimes the wellbeing world can seem fluffy or unrealistic. My way of working is putting wellbeing theory into action to create a clear plan of what that means for you in real life.


I have spent the last 8 years working with thousands of clients and students to improve their sense of wellbeing.  For most people growth and change is achieved through learning powerful techniques, making mindset shifts and getting support in making practical changes. As a yoga and meditation teacher I will also be teaching you the most affective breathing techniques to calm the nervous system.


I can't wait to support you with your wellbeing journey

Much Love,  

Helen X 

Testimonials from Past Spiralling Up Participants

Paul B: "I have loved Spiralling Up! It's amazing! It has given me so much: new perspectives, self-care strategies, and insights into things that really work! Loved the section on The Law of Attraction and all the friendly and supportive group sharing. Helen is astute and wise, always making so much sense. She is so passionate about this, and I totally see why; it's a self-care revelation, and I'm so glad I did it!"

Alison C: "Joining Helen’s Spiralling Up sessions has been one of the best choices I have ever made! The investment in this wonderfully motivational, inspirational, enlightening, fascinating and fun course has resulted in countless relevant and meaningful benefits to my every day life. More than I could never have imagined! Helen has an incredibly well thought out way of bringing the various topics we covered to life whilst creating a comfortable, relaxing and enjoyable environment. The course content provides useful and practical skills to help manage and reduce the chaos of day-to-day life assertively whilst remaining kind. It suggests ways of managing negative behaviours, reinforcing and building on positive behaviours and incorporating them into your lifestyle. Helen has the ability to make you feel connected and happy with yourself whilst developing self belief and confidence. Spiralling Up is hugely liberating and tremendously enjoyable. "

Spiralling Up:
The Programme

"Helen left no stone unturned and guided me to explore all aspects of my well-being. With a clear vision of what I wanted to achieve, Helen helped me to break this down into specific focus areas and then smaller manageable goals. She guided me in my pursuit to achieve small actionable steps weekly."

Jen - coaching client.


  • Weekly online zoom workshops are Wednesday evenings at 6-8pm.

  • We start Wednesday 16th October.

  • The final session is Wednesday 11th December.

  • In the weekly workshops with me on zoom you will learn key theory, create your own actionable plan and time to get direct support from me and the group.

  • An optional accountability buddy so you can support each other throughout the programme.

  • An option to have 1:1 sessions with me (VIP Package.)

  • Additional sessions with guest experts.

  • Course handbook to support your learning.

Your Commitment:

  • Feeling ready to make your wellbeing and self development a priority.

  • Attendance at weekly workshops with me on Wednesday evenings (Recordings available if you need to miss a session.)

  • A positive & supportive approach to our group coaching sessions.

Spiralling Up September 2024 
8 week online programme 

Your investment:​

  • £555  - option for 3 payments of £185 

Early Bird Offers:

  • Sign up in August:  get 10 free yoga and/or meditation classes (worth £85) ​

  • Sign Up in September: get 5 free yoga or meditation classes (worth £45)​

  • PLUS If you sign up before the 16th Sept you will also get access to a free nutrition session with one of the Spiralling Up guest experts. 

VIP Upgrade *limited availability*

Add on two bespoke 1 to 1 sessions with me (yoga, reiki or coaching) for an additional £180

Guest Experts

Some of our Past Guest Experts in Spiralling Up


Dr Jen Cooney

  • Women's health coach

  • Health Physiologist

  • Expert in menopause and perimenopause and how easy enjoyable lifestyle change can affect health and hormone balance. Have your questions ready for Dr Jen!

Alison Fiddler

  • Formally a nurse, senior midwife and advisor for Public Health England Alison now works as a yoga teacher and hypnotherapist

  • Alison is our resident expert on the physiological benefits of meditation and how it literally changes the wiring of your brain 

Friday 14th April - Alison Fiddler Fri 12th May - John Weatherby Fri 7th July - Dr Jen Coo

Karen Sutton

  • Karen is the UK's First Widow Coach

  • Host of the Widow Podcast

  • Karen is an expert on managing grief and loss.

  • She has a unique and beautiful way of bringing compassion and light to her sessions. 

  • What happens if I need to miss a session?
    Obviously the more sessions you are at the more you are going to get out of the course but I will send you a recording of the session if you need to miss.
  • Is this like group therapy?
    In therapy, current and past problems are often discussed at length. Spiralling Up instead focusses more on the now and making positive behaviour and mindset changes. Group members do often refer to past or current challenges but that is not the focus of the programme, it is more solution focussed. If you are wanting to discuss past situations, problems and challenges in more detail then you might want to book some 1:1 sessions.
  • Do I have to share and talk in the sessions?
    Only if and when you want to. There will be opportunities for you to share with the group, and in pairs/small groups (using breakout rooms) but only if you want to. You will not be expected to do anything you do not want to do on this course.
  • I'm not very good with technology, will I be ok?
    Don't worry I will help you! There will be a practice session before you start the course for anyone who wants to practice using Zoom. It's super easy, you simply follow the link I send you. You can join on a computer, laptop, phone or tablet/ipad.
  • What are the benefits of the course being online?
    There are so many benefits to Spiralling Up online. Firstly you can join from anywhere in the world so even if you are away from home for one of the sessions you can still join if you wish to. It also means if you miss a session you will receive a recording. You can stay relaxed at home for the sessions, turning your mic and camera on as and when you feel comfortable. This gives you more privacy to work through the course whilst still having me there live with you to support you every step of the way.
  • Will there be time to connect with others in the group?
    Yes! If you would like to. Everything in the course is optional. There are plenty of opportunities to talk informally with other like minded people in small groups. There is also time to listen to each other as group members share with the group and as you all cheer each other on - this will be a very special supportive community with nothing but kindness and compassion.
  • Will there be time to ask questions?
    Absolutely. You will be able to ask questions about the course content as we go through each session. At the end of each session I usually stay online for 10 minutes to answer any additional questions.
  • When are the sessions?
    Sessions are on Wednesday evenings at 6-8pm (UK time) but I ask the group to keep their time free until 8.15pm in case you want to stay online and ask me any questions at the end or in case we run over by a few minutes.
  • What will I learn in the sessions?
    You will learn practical tools and mindset strategies to help improve your overall sense of wellbeing and to develop the way you talk and listen to yourself (and others.) The topics you will cover are: How to build your unique wellbeing toolkit and what should go in it for YOU. Ways to manage anxiety & supporting others with anxiety. How to build your confidence - there are simple ways you can start to build your confidence right away. Tools to stay consistent with your habits - we're aiming for consistency not perfection. Interacting & communicating with others. Boundaries: what they are, why we need them & how to implement them - for yourself and others. Choosing helpful thoughts & managing unhelpful thoughts. This will help you to become positive without trying to pretend everything is ok when perhaps it's not. Letting go of people pleasing & perfection.
  • Is there any yoga in the course?
    Early bird offer: Book in August or September to receive free yoga and/or meditation classes. Within the 8 week course there will be simple meditation and breathing techniques in every session but no physical yoga practice.
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Apply now - Oct 2024

Join Spiralling Up

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Apply to join Spiralling Up
Starting October 2024

Thanks for submitting. I'll be in touch via email

 Warm wishes, Helen

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